Offer to assist with child care – especially if the children usually are cared for by grandparents who are at greater risk if they should become infected by the virus. Take the “what’s for dinner” out of their day by ordering a take-out delivery for them or cooking and dropping off a meal. Think about small tasks you can offer to do if you’re able to, for example: Longer hours, separation from loved ones, and an inability to fulfill everyday tasks due to lockdown and infection prevention regulations have turned many nurses’ daily lives upside down. #7 WAYS TO DIE GAME HOW DO YOU FEED YOUR SELF PROFESSIONAL#
If you sense that they’re unusually anxious or depressed, encourage them to seek professional help. Talkspace, a digital therapy site with licensed therapists, is currently offering one month of the free therapy for nurses and other front line workers.It’s closer to a face-to-face social encounter than phone calls and text messages. Arrange a video call on one of the many available channels.Try to create a normal social dialogue – chat about everyday things, share a funny story or a joke to lighten their mood.Limit or don’t bring up your coronavirus questions and concerns – their life is already dominated by the virus.Don’t discuss their work unless you sense that they want to unburden – and then you can serve as a listening ear.
Check in to see how they’re doing and to show you care. The increased pressure at work, reports of violence and abuse from the public, and stigma attached to the healthcare staff are all taking a toll on their mental health-also, the fear of infecting their loved ones or being separated from them. As a friend or family member of a nurse, you can do the following to support their mental health: There is increasing concern about the mental health of nurses serving on the front lines. Her road to recovery will be a long and difficult one. She has been fighting the battle against Covid 19 for the last 3 weeks on a ventilator. A few weeks ago while working alongside all of us fighting this horrible disease Edith became ill. Support a Nurse Practitioner Fighting COVIDĮdith Menchavez is a Cardiology Nurse Practitioner at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey. You can sign petitions that pop up on your social media feeds or use one of the following links: This, although the world had been aware of COVID-19 since January and that various organizations and health care staff raised the alarm and asked for government action many weeks ago. Everyone can add their voice to this cause by signing petitions and contacting their political leaders. The biggest issue facing nurses and other health care staff around the world is the lack of adequate personal protective equipment to protect themselves and their patients against infection. Even now, a large number of policymakers and health care administrators have been slow to respond. “If you really thought I was a hero, you would look for ways to help me,” exclaimed Jillian Primiano, a frontline nurse from Brooklyn.
“We’re not angels, we’re not heroes, we are human beings that have chosen a career, that are highly educated, that work in a patient safety-critical profession, who simply want to go and do the job that we trained to do and be protected to do it.” “And the whole rhetoric around heroism and being an angel because you are a nurse I find unhelpful,” said Nicki Credland, and expert nurse.
Although appreciated, they sometimes give a very short-lived pleasure for the nurses who are experiencing unparalleled levels of anxiety and overwork in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. 6 Ways You Can Support NursesĪpplause, thank-you messages, cards, and small gifts to show gratitude to nurses during Nurses Week are all very well. It is also the 120th anniversary of the ICN. For Nurses Week 2020, this year’s theme is Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Nursing the World to Health. May 12th of every year is the observance of International Nurses Day, which is spearheaded by the International Council of Nurses (ICN) since 1971. Nurses Week is celebrated annually from May 6th and culminates on May 12th, the birthday of Florence Nightingale. National Nurses Week is an annual celebration to showcase the role of nurses and to help raise the profile of the nursing profession. Don’t let your appreciation end with Nurses Week.Give financial assistance to struggling nurses.